- Description
Spotless Tire Shine™ was designed to protect and beautify all type of rubber tires. Our high gloss formula gives your tires a “wet-look” with a dark shine. Highly water-resistant polymers combined with anti-ozonant technology keep tires looking blacker longer, while preventing cracking, browning, and premature aging. Excellent to use on vinyl tops, bumpers and rubber t
Available in: ¼ US GAL, 1 US GAL, 5 US GAL
- Application
Spray on dry tire surface. Hold bottle 4” – 6” from tire. Allow to dry. Spotless Tire Shine is a self- leveling formula. Tires may be wiped after product sets for 3 to 5 minutes. Repeat applications for maximum shine.
- Advantages
- Long Lasting
- Wet Look
- Water-Resistant, Long Lasting High Gloss Shine
- Thick Formula to Prevent Runs, Drips and Sling
- Added UV Protection to Prevent Browning and Cracks
- Specifications
- Apariencia: liquid violets transparente
- Gravedad especifica: 1.00
- Peso/galon: 8.33 lb./gal
- pH: 10.5-11.5
- Warnings
- Appearance: Clear Liquid
- Odor: Detergent
- Water Solubility: Insoluble
- wt/gal: 12.4 ± 1 lb.
- Viscosity: 450,000 – 550,000 cps