POLI-KLEEN™ (4th STEP)Code #: DE122
- Description
Crossco® Polikleen™ Is a revolutionary cleaner that leaves a protective coating on the floor and eliminates the need of polishing. the life of the floors. To remove any wax residue clean floor once a week with Crossco® Polikleen™ (4th step). Helping you save time and money. Product can be used to clean wood, linoleum, slabs, terrazzo, concrete, vinyl and other types of floors.
Available in: ¼ US GAL, 1 US GAL, 5 US GAL.
- Application
- For routine work in any type of floor, dilute 1 part of Crossco® Polikleen™ (4th step) in 50 parts water.
- For painted walls, painted floors, furniture and articles of wood, dilutes 1 part of Crossco® Polikleen™ (4th step) in 50 parts of water.
- For vinyl, cork, terrazzo, marble, leather and plastic to upholster, dilute 1 part of Crossco® Polikleen™ (4th step) in 40 parts of water.
- For linoleum, asphalt floors, plastic floors, rubber floors, airplanes and venetian blinds, dilute 1 part of Crossco® Polikleen™ (4th step) in 20 parts of water.
- For hardwood flooring and gymnasium flooring, dilute 1 part of Crossco® Polikleen™ (4th step) in 14 parts of water.
- Advantages
- Saves Time and Money
- Easy to Used
- Easy to Clean
- No need Waxing
- Extends the life of your floor
- Specifications
- Appearance: Liquid
- Color: Transparent Red
- Specific gravity: 1.02
- Wt/gal: 8.50 lb./gal
- pH:7-8
- Warnings
For chemical emergencies only, call CHEMTREC
The manufacturer’s liability in connection with the sale of this product extends only to the replacement price.